Become a Certified PREP Coach

Leverage the power of the PREP Profile assessments for your organization and help guide people on a path to reach individual and business goals.

A Certified PREP Coach will:

  • Be able to readily identify differing leadership, communication and problem-solving styles in current and prospective employees. 
  • Understand key behavioral motivators. 
  • Be able to provide unique environmental stimuli to motivate and coach staff for high productivity, trust, creativity and innovation. 
  • Be proficient at administering and interpreting the Personal Strengths Profile in group or one-on-one settings or in the hiring process. 
  • Be alert to signs of work stress resilience both from the survey and in personal interviews; then be able to sensitively communicate this information so the individual will be able to productively evaluate his or her situation for changes that may be appropriate. 
  • Recognize different personality preferences in language style, approach, receiving corrective feedback, general interaction and know how to most effectively address, communicate and coach others. 
  • Be prepared to coach others in using effective communications. 
  • Be able to understand how jobs, career paths, and working styles reflect different personality factors and be able to identify and match an individual’s style to job and career paths. 
  • Be able to screen, interview and do reference checks with greater insight into applicants’ natural preferences vs. their first impression/”interview self”. 
  • Be able to develop training and orientation programs for new hires and promotions that support and develop the individual’s lesser developed areas and emphasize strengths. 
  • Understand what factors are not measured by personality assessments and appreciate the role of personality in each person’s unique complexity.

Upcoming Certification Events

We will be holding PREP Certified Coach Training in September in Chicago, IL, focusing on PREP’s innovative and insightful online business-focused Personality Reports.

Organizations use PREP for building better teams, hiring for aligning organizational culture, coaching career and leadership development as well as effectively communication to build better trust and rapport. Certification offers organizations and individuals online access to PREP’s highly acclaimed and statistically valid professional report system. 

PREP Coaches will learn how to apply PREP’s fast, effective and insightful career matching system for understanding the personality-matching, behavioral motivators and change readiness – for their clients and special career, succession planning projects. 

CEUs are available. 


When: September 20, 2019

Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Where: Chicago, IL

Cost: $1,000 includes certification and 100 points (approximately 10 full reports, depending on report type)

To register: Please contact us at or by calling 312-566-7078